Monday, October 27, 2008

After surgery and recovery!

Well its been a hard couple weeks, Peyton has been in a lot of pain and has been a very hunger little boy. Im sorry it has taken so long to post a update, but things has been really tough. Its seems that all I got done was to feed Peyton about 8 hours a day. It took him so long to eat from the syringe and what he was eating through it just didn't last in his tummy! It was so hard to see him cry for food. Mark and I would not eat or cook in front of him at all so we too got really hungry.
Peyton went back for his 1 week checkup on Thru. and we didn't get very good news! He still has a hole in his soft palate which means more surgery again. He now has food and liquids coming from his nose due to where the hole is located. He will need to have a retainer made to cover the hole until he can have his other surgery later on.
I was very upset with this news, because Peyton really had a hard time with this surgery. I think we need to give him a little break and not have it done right away. He has been through so much in the last 2 months that his little body needs a break.
The Dr. said in all the years that he has been doing cleft palate surgeries he has had only 10 kids that this has happen too. He said that out of the 10 kids he had 1 child that the hole completely closed on its own. We are asking everyone we see to pray that this will happen for Peyton.
We go back to the Dr. on Nov.4th to see if this miracle could happen for Peyton. Please keep him in your prayers!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Night before Peyton's surgery!

Well its the night before Peyton surgery and our little guy is sound asleep not knowing what tomorrow will bring for him. Today has been a hard day just thinking about what Peyton will go through tomorrow. Mark and I knew that this day would come but didn't realize how hard it would be on us. Peyton had been through so much in his life that I just wish he didn't half to endure anymore pain.
We will be leaving for Lexington in the morning about 3:30 am. His surgery will be at Central Baptist Hospital. We need to be there at 6:00 am and the first surgery will start about 7:30. Dr Moore will do his palate surgery last and this surgery will take 21/2 to 3 hours. We are not sure how many days Peyton will be in the hospital. Dr Moore thinks around 2 to 4 days. I will try to take the computer to keep everyone up on Peyton surgery, but I'm not sure if the hospital has Internet. If not I will post when we get home.

Peyton has adjusted so well, he is sleeping great now and is the happiest little boy! Its so much fun just to sit back and watch how much he enjoys life.

I know a lot of people has been praying for Peyton, please keep praying that Peyton will recover fast and not be in a lot of pain. I also want to thank our families for showing Peyton so much love! You all have given him the attention and love that he has missed out on as a young child. I know Peyton feels all the love around him and this will give him the strength he needs for tomorrow.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Family Pic's!

Here are a few family pic's that we had taken on our 2 month anniversary of having peyton!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Update on Peyton's surgery yesterday!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Peyton is doing great after getting his tubes put in his ears yesterday! He had a little trouble when he was trying to wake up in recovery but I think he was just really confused about were he was and what had happen to mommy and daddy.
Dr Van Meter said that his ear's was in really bad shape and that he should feel a lot better. He told us to be very careful with loud noises because Peyton had not been hearing well at all and that things would sound a lot different to him now.
So we are really glad to get one of the surgeries down, but really dread his palate surgery because it will be a lot harder on Peyton and we hate this for our little guy but know that it needs to be done for him to live a happy and healthy life!

Monday, September 15, 2008


OK where to start.. Its been a tough few weeks but we are getting through it. We received all the results back from Dr. Taylor and for the most part everything checked out well. Peyton Vitamin D level was very low so she has him on medical for that and he will take this for 1 month and will need more blood work and be rechecked by his local Dr. here to see if he needs to continue the medication. Dr. Taylor said his bone scan showed that he did not have rickets but that his bones show that he is at 18 month old growth and Peyton is 33 months old. She seems to think that it is from not having the proper nutrition and his cleft palate.

Week before last we started seeing the team of doctors for Peyton's cleft palate repair in Lexington. We had hoped to see all the doctors in 1 day that when were there but that didn't happen. We made 3 trips to lexington that week trying to get him seem so that we can get his palate repaired.

Dr Miller will repair his palate on Oct. 16th and he will also be seen by Dr. DeMose to be circumcise that same day. Dr. Miller thinks that Peyton surgery will take about 2-3 hours to repair because of the 2 large openings in his mouth. He said that Peyton should have had his palate repaired at 9 month old. He thinks since Peyton is older that it will take him longer to recover from the surgery.
Peyton will need to be fed from a dropper, only clear liquids for 1 week. The second week he can only have very soft food like yogurt and baby food, but still cannot be fed with a spoon.

Dr. Van Meter was going to put tubes in his ears at the same time the other doctors did their surgeries so that Peyton would only be put to sleep one time. However Peyton had been off him antibiotics for only 1 week and got a really bad eye infection again.
Saturday we had went to Marks UPS family picnic and Peyton just didn't act like he felt well at all. By the time we got home he had developed a very high fever. I took him over to his pediatrician office and by the time we waited in the waiting room and got to see her Peyton was really lifeless. The nurse took his temp. and it was 104.8 and his heart rate was very high. She immediately got the doctor and she took one look at Peyton and said for me to take him straight to the hospital and not to ever stop at admitting.
After doing lots of blood work, chest ex-rays and giving him IV floods because he had already dehydrated, she decided it was a severe ear infection so we only had to spend one night in the hospital.
Peyton now is on a very strong antibiotic and is having a lot of trouble taking it. The poor little guy can not keep much in him at all, it is really messing his stomach up. So now the doctors think that Peyton needs to get the tubes in his ears asap so that he will be well enough for his palate surgery on the 16th of Oct.
We will need to be in Lexington tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m for them to put the tubes in his ears. I really hate that he needs to be put to sleep this close together but it just couldn't be helped.
Dr. Miller said Peyton will need a few more surgeries when he gets about 6 yrs old. they will take bone from his hip to repair his gum line and will also do some repairs on his nose and lip. But thankfully that will be on down the road.

So it has been a little tough the last few weeks but we will do what ever it takes to get our little guy feeling better! Keep him in your prayers that all goes well tomorrow!

Will post some new pictures in a few days.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

1 month today!

I know that its been a long time since I have added anything to our blogpage. We are just now starting to get back into a normal routine in the Fannin home! Its so hard to beleive that we have had Payton 1 month today! Mark and I had really forgotten what it was like to have a 2 year old again, but things are going really well. Payton is starting to sleep a lot better and he loves just being at his new home. He has adjusted really really well so far! We have been to several doctors appointment so far and have lots more to go.
He seen Dr. Taylor on Aug. 20th and that appointment took most of the day. She was concerned with his height and weight and he had to have a scan of his arm to check for rickets, she is almost sure that he does have them. He also had a lot of blood work done that day and we are waiting on the results of all the test to come in. Payton also had a very bad ear infection that day and is on medication for that. We will need to repeat all of his shots and will start them as soon as he gets over his infection.
We go back to Lexington on Sept. 4th for him to see a team of doctors for his cleft palate. All the doctors will check him that day to see what Payton will need repaired. He will need tubes in his ears for sure and his palate repaired along with his gum line. He will also be seen by a plastic surgeon to see if his lip and nose needs some additional repair. I feel that his nose will defenatley need to be repaired due to one side has dropped down. Payton has several surgeries to face but I am sure things will go fine. He is such a strong little boy who has been through alot in his life, but with all the love that this little guy receives he will have the strenght to overcome it all!
Payton is such a kind hearted and loving person, he brings a smile to everyone face when they meet him. We are so very blessed to have him as a part of our family. I will post some pictures of Payton in the next few days I PROMISE and will try to do better with updates.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Saying our final goodbye to China!

Well this will be our final post until we get home. It is 6:00 in the evening and we just retured from the U.S. Consulte for our final swearing in and all of Payton's adoption papers. Payton will become a U.S. citizen when we land in Newark NJ and his papers are stamped. We will be so happy to bring him home to a wonderful family waiting for us. There is a part of me that feels so sad that Payton has a mother and father here in China that had to give the precious child up. I wish that I would have some way of letting them know how much he will be loved and what a precious gift he is to us.

Please keep us in your prayers that Payton will make the trip as comfortable as possible and that we have a safe flight home!

From China to Ky...... Goodnight from Mark, Peggy and Payton Fannin

Saying our final goodbye to China!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Red Couch!

We had the red couch photos today and Payton would not sit down without Mark or I, so I had to hide behind the couch and hold him up but he wasn't the only one. The picture turned out much better than I expected! This group picture is all of the FTIA families that traveled along with us. We have met alot of wonderful people and children on this trip. You become very close to these families as they share the same experience as we have. Tomorrow as we all go our seperate ways we will always hold a special place in our hearts for all the families and their children.

Finally the UK blue Chinese outfit!

Ok, finally we found Payton his Chinese outfit in UK BLUE. Payton had about all the shopping he could take for the day. Daddy broke down and got him a pair of the squeaky shoes and we have had to hide them for a little break! Here's the little guy in him new outfit!

Just 1 more full day and we will be on our way home!

Payton's big swimming day!

Payton had a great day in the swimming pool with mommy and daddy and the other kids in our travel group. He has really became a little dare devil in the pool! He has no fear of the water and loves to get his face wet!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Payton and daddy eating french fries with ketchup!

We went back to Lucy's last night for dinner and everyone knowns how Mark is with sauces on everything! Well Payton thinks he needs to cover his french fries in ketchup before he eats them, thanks to his daddy!. Still no UK blue Chinese outfit and pictures are in the morning at 9:30 so Mark needs to do some heavy shopping today or he may be wearing PINK. Payton is very nosey, he opens every drawer and cabinet in this place. Now he has started putting himself in them and closing the doors. He is not afraid of anything much except for GRASS. Yesterday on the way to the pool, I stopped to show him the grass again and he still wanted nothing to do with it. He loves the pool after crying for about 30 min sitting on the side of it with him. Now he is jumping off the sides and sticking his head underwater.

Today we plan on doing some shopping and maybe taking a taxi to the Nike shoe store. Marks hoping the shoes are alot cheaper here.

Kyleigh tell mommy and daddy to get ready, we got you a pair of squeaky shoes! Mark wouldn't get Payton a pair he said they drove him nuts and he things they are for girls anyway.

Just a few more days and we will back in KY!!

Love and miss you all!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Payton and mommy in hotel playroom!

Payton playing!

We have a wonderful playroom here in the hotel. We took Payton downstairs to play for awhile today and he loved the playroom. He seems to like toys that makes sounds and toys to ride on.

We went to Lucy's Diner last night and the food was good American food. On our way back to the hotel we looked for Payton's chinese outfit to have his picture made with the other kids on the red couch before we leave, Mark is looking for UK BLUE so I guess we will still be looking tonight! We cannot wait for everyone to meet Payton, he is such a sweet little boy! He has picked up on so many things since we got him.

Counting the days until we our back home with our family, we love and miss you all!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Britttany!

Brittany, I'm sorry I missed your birthday, but I know that you understand. I know when you meet Payton the he will be a wonderful little brother to you! I hope you got your flowers and cake that I had sent to your work for you. I love you very much and I am very proud to have you as my daughter. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and many many more.
Love you
Mom and Mark

Picture inside hotel!

We made it to Guangzhou!

We made it to Guangzhou and Payton did fine on the flight here. As long as he was eating he would not make a move. I'm not sure what we will do on the 15 hour flight home! We went for his medical exam this morning and he really did alot better than most of the kids. He weighted 25 pounds and was 31 inches tall. I really don't think he's going to take after the Fannin's in height!

Our Hotel is so beautiful, it has a waterfall and lots of flowers and a stream full of big gold fish. They also have lots of pretty birds and Payton liked them alot. The breakfast here was great. (real american food) We have lots of shops and several things to do here. We have Lucys diner next to the hotel that is all american food. Mark and Payton is going to go to the pool while I meet with the group to fill out lots more paperwork! We are much more satisified here and hopefully the time will pass by faster. It is so good to be with all the other FTIA families and meet there children too!

Love and miss everyone

Be home soon......

David, mark said the gold fish in the hotel stream is bigger than yours in the paylake.HA HA

We made it to Guangzhou!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Last day in Fuzhou!

Today is the last day here in Fuzhou. We go this morning to finish up some paperwork for here and then fly on to Guangzhou for 5 nights. There we will finsh the adoption and will be on our way home!

Yesterday we took Payton to the park here at the hotel. Things didn't go so well, he was so afraid of the grass. Mark and I both tried to sit down in the grass and let him know that it was ok but he just screamed, he couldn't stand to fell the grass on his feet. Hopefully this is something he will overcome soon!

Payton will fly for the first tiem today. Everyone pray that things will go ok for him today. Our flight leaves around 7:00 tonight and we get to Guangzhou around 9:00. We will let everyone know how things go.

Tanya if you read this post Payton is in 18 month shirt and he can wear 12 to 18 month pants.

Love and miss everyone

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Payton packing his toys and ready for Ky!

Payton is so funny, if he finds a bag he will put all of his toys in them and carry it around on his arms. He is really good to sit and play by himself for along time. He is starting to understand several things that we are saying, but with his cleft palate he really cannot say anything much. We can understand him when he calls us ma-ma and ba-ba. He points to most things he wants. He will have several surgries ahead of him to fix his mouth, teeth and maybe lip surgery again. He will not let anyone hold him except for me and Mark, he is so afraid we will leave him. I know this will take time for him to trust that we will always be here for him. I cannot imagine what his life has been like for the last 2 1/2 years. You can tell that all he wants is to be loved and fed, such simple things in our lives! I'm sure when we get home everyone will see how easy it is to love this little guy. He is so curious about the world around him. Its so much fun to sit and watch his little mind at work.

Finger Lick'in Good!

Its 4:00 in the morning and Mark and I are wide awake! Payton had KFC yesterday for the first time. He ate an order of popcorn chicken, fries and mashed potatoes. His favorite was the potatoes, he licked the bowl they was in! Now we know that he will eat some good old Ky food. We had Pizza Hut and that was a 20 min. job trying to get it ordered, but it sure did taste good! Jess took us to a beautiful park yestersday and the rest of the day was free. Mark and I wanted some american food and went by taxi down into town. Mark said he never seen people drive like they do here NO RULES!!! We seen a old lady on a bike get hit by a car and got up limping and the man just honked and drove on! Marks nerves is shot driving in this town, he says its better than watching NASCAR anyday! Jess is taking us shopping today.

We sure do miss home alot! Britt, Mark said tell Buck he loved him and would be home soon to throw bone and play cheeseburger.

Miss and love you all!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Still raining!

Well we woke up to rain again this morning! This makes for a very long day when it keeps raining. We have a beautiful park beside the hotel but cannot go for the rain. Payton slept really well last night, but he has every since we've had him. His sleeping pattern is like clock work same time everyday. I just hope this keeps up! Mark and I still cannot make our bodies go to China time. We want to go to bed really early and get up about 3:00 or so.

Jess our guide will pick us up about 11:00 today and take us on another tour if the weather permits (lets hope, so mark can get out of the room) Payton has been putting Marks hat on his head when Marks takes it off. Last night when we went to dinner, he had to wear his!

We want everyone to know that we look forward to reading our commets that your sending.

Thanks for following along our journey to bring Payton home! We love and miss everyone.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Finally got out of room!

Jess took us on a tour today of a beautiful temple. The rain held off long enough for us to enjoy this beautiful place. Payton was so amazed with the fish and turtles in the water. I cannot imagine what his little mind was thinking about all the beauty around him. He is so curious about everything and loves bright umbrellas! Everytime he sees one he points and smiles. Such simple things in life mades him happy!

View from room!

Sure looks different from the view of our front porch.

Daddy and Payton in there UK!

Payton has been a big daddys boy today. Mommy has told him No to many times!

Stuck in the room because of Typhoon!

Well we have had some bad weather here. Yesterday when we got back from Walmart the weather just started getting worst. We were so lucky to hit the Typhoon season! Yesterday afternoon the weather turned bad and they ask everyone not to go out of the hotel. It was a very long day sitting in the room. We went to bed really early and Mark and I got up at 4:00 this morning. Between the time difference and the FOOD here, we really miss home alot!

Payton is doing very well, we could not ask for a better little guy. He doesn't speek anything much that we can understand, but he point to things to let you know what he wants. He now knows what NO means, and we have had to say that a good bit. When he doesn't get his way he can really throw a good fit! Payton has picked up on so many things just by watching me and Mark. He is a very good sleeper, goes to bed about 8:30 and get up about 6:30 to 7:00 he also takes about a 2 hour nap in the day. We are suppost to go on a tour today with our guide but not sure with the weather if it will happen. Lets hope the weather will break so that time will pass a little faster and we don't miss home so much! Here's a few more pictures of Payton playing in the room and a view from the window of our hotel on this rainy day. We love and miss you all and cannot wait to see everyone!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Nap time!

Its been a long morning, we finished all of our paperwork and will get Payton's passport on Friday.We seen Payton's nannies and orphanage director at breakfast this morning and he would not even make eye contact with them. During the paperwork this morning the nannies tried to get Payton to let them hold him and he kept pushing them away. I am amazed at how quick he has bonded with Mark and I. We went to Walmat to pick up a few things and it was very different than our walmart. It has 3 stories with magnetic escelators so that the grocery cart won't move! Payton is down for his nap and it has been raining very hard all day. We will be going on a tour tomorrow around 11:00 to a monesary with our guide. She is great and fun to be with.

Nancy if you read this post, I gave the photo album to the director and the 2 nannies. They were very happy to see Adelie's sweet little face. They talked alot about it, but have no idea what they were saying! But seems so very pleased to have it.

Good night sleep!

Just a quick update on how the night went, Mark rocked Payton for about 5 minutes and he was out all night! It is about 7:00 and he is still sleeping. We have paperwork this morning to do and then Jessie our guide is taking us to Walmart. Will update later tonight.

Love and miss everyone!

Payton after his bath!

Payton playing

Daddy holding him for 1st time!

We have Payton!

This afternoon went great! Payton has adjusted to Mark and I very well so far. He has only cried once when he had to take away some of his snacks that he had ate a ton of. He is very protective of his food! We gave him a bath and he loves water,we had a hard time trying to keep him from sticking his head under the water. He seems to be very smart little boy and is curious about everything. We have been very blessed today with a wonderful little guy! Lets pray for a good nights sleep!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Just a quick update

Well its just about 3 1/2 hour until we meet Payton for the first time. It has already been a long day for Mark and I because we got up so early (6:00). We have been nervous, excited and restless all day! We walked down the street today to try and find me some diet mountain dew but we had no luck. We did find some chicken feet and lots of other interesting critters and Marks swears he is going to try some them!!

We make it to Fuzhou!

We are finally here 28 hours later! Mark and I are exhausted and it is now 11:45 Saturday night. Tomorrow is GOTCH DAY at 4:00 in the lobby of the hotel and I will try and post pictures after we receive him.

We make it to Fuzhou!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Last night at home!

This is the last night at home. We will be leaving tomorrow and driving to Lexington to spend the night with Mark's sister and our flight will leave early Friday morning.

Buck knows something is up with the suitcases and he's not happy about it!

Monday, July 21, 2008

We leave this week!!

We are so excited that we are just 4 days away from leaving to receive our little guy! It has been a long and stressful wait but so worth it. I have started to pack some of Paytons things and we will be ready to be on our way soon. Here's our inside travel Itinerary:

July 26 (Sat) Evening arrive at Fuzhou Lakeside Hotel (6 nights)

July 27 (Sun) GOTCHA DAY!!!

July 29 (Mon) Morning: Go to Civil Affairs Bureau of Fujian Province to complete the adoption registration procedure. Go to the Notary office to complete notarization procedure.

July 29 (Tue)-July 31 (Thu) Tour an free time Pick up all notarized paperwork except Payton's passport.

Aug 1 (Fri) Morning: Pick up Payton's passort.

Afternoon: Travel from Fuzhou to Guangzhou stay at the White Swan Hotel

(5 nights)

Aug 2 (Sat) Morning: Have visa piicture taken and medical exam on Payton

Aug 3 (Sun) Morning: Tour or free time

Afternoon: Complete the paper work at the hotel conference room.

Aug 4 (M0n) Morning: FTIA coordinator submits the visa application documents for us to the U.S. Consulate.

Afternoon: Tour or free time

Aug 5 (Tue) Afternoon: Have the group-oath taken at the U.S. Consulate and receive Payton"s visa.

Aug 6 Morning: Leave Guangzhou to Beijing from Beijing to Newark and from Newark to Lexington, arrive at 11:30 pm

Monday, July 7, 2008

Payton Nursery

Here is some Pictures of Paytons nursery. Its decorated in UK Wildcats, his daddys favorite team! Daddy cant wait to take him to a game!

Travel Arrangments!

Today we recieved our final travel arrangments!

CO - Continental Airline / MU - China Eastern CZ - China Southern
Jul/25 Lexington/Newark CO3046 (7:20am / 9:27am)
Jul/25 Newark/Beijing CO89 (12:10pm / 1:50pm + 1 day)
Arrive in Beijing at 1:50pm on July 26 and connect the flight at 7:30pm to Fuzhou.
Jul/26 Beijing /Fuzhou MU5182 (7:30pm / 9:50pm)

Aug/06 Guangzhou/Beijing CZ3105 (9:00am/11:45am)
Aug/06 Beijing/Newark CO88 (3:45pm/5:30pm)
Aug/06 Newark/Lexington CO3041 (9:15pm/11:30pm)