Saturday, August 2, 2008

Payton and mommy in hotel playroom!


Nancy Ann said...

It sounds like you all are doing great! Payton's weight and heights are much like Adelie's now - she's just about a pound bigger and maybe an inch or two taller. She still wears 18 mo pants/shorts and some are 12 months, some are 24 months. It's hard for the waist on the pants/shorts to be small enough. And she's on the short side too. I was glad to read that Payton did well on the flight. That's good. Enjoy Guangzhou! Visit Jennifer's shop - they'll barter with you (as will everyone!) and you might find a UK blue silk outfit there.

Anonymous said...

We get more excited to see Payton (and you guys) with every picture you post. The weekends in the bottom are just not the same without you guys (can't wait to let Payton try some of the great food). This little boy has no idea how many people already love him! See you when you get home.

Donald, Cheryl, Dalton, and Darren