Monday, July 28, 2008

Stuck in the room because of Typhoon!

Well we have had some bad weather here. Yesterday when we got back from Walmart the weather just started getting worst. We were so lucky to hit the Typhoon season! Yesterday afternoon the weather turned bad and they ask everyone not to go out of the hotel. It was a very long day sitting in the room. We went to bed really early and Mark and I got up at 4:00 this morning. Between the time difference and the FOOD here, we really miss home alot!

Payton is doing very well, we could not ask for a better little guy. He doesn't speek anything much that we can understand, but he point to things to let you know what he wants. He now knows what NO means, and we have had to say that a good bit. When he doesn't get his way he can really throw a good fit! Payton has picked up on so many things just by watching me and Mark. He is a very good sleeper, goes to bed about 8:30 and get up about 6:30 to 7:00 he also takes about a 2 hour nap in the day. We are suppost to go on a tour today with our guide but not sure with the weather if it will happen. Lets hope the weather will break so that time will pass a little faster and we don't miss home so much! Here's a few more pictures of Payton playing in the room and a view from the window of our hotel on this rainy day. We love and miss you all and cannot wait to see everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We cant wait until you guys get home too! (and im sure the dogs too!) Kyleigh has been in her walker around the house screaming her usual Nan Nan Nan! We cant wait to see you guys. We love and miss you guys!

brittany & kyleigh