Sunday, August 3, 2008

Payton and daddy eating french fries with ketchup!

We went back to Lucy's last night for dinner and everyone knowns how Mark is with sauces on everything! Well Payton thinks he needs to cover his french fries in ketchup before he eats them, thanks to his daddy!. Still no UK blue Chinese outfit and pictures are in the morning at 9:30 so Mark needs to do some heavy shopping today or he may be wearing PINK. Payton is very nosey, he opens every drawer and cabinet in this place. Now he has started putting himself in them and closing the doors. He is not afraid of anything much except for GRASS. Yesterday on the way to the pool, I stopped to show him the grass again and he still wanted nothing to do with it. He loves the pool after crying for about 30 min sitting on the side of it with him. Now he is jumping off the sides and sticking his head underwater.

Today we plan on doing some shopping and maybe taking a taxi to the Nike shoe store. Marks hoping the shoes are alot cheaper here.

Kyleigh tell mommy and daddy to get ready, we got you a pair of squeaky shoes! Mark wouldn't get Payton a pair he said they drove him nuts and he things they are for girls anyway.

Just a few more days and we will back in KY!!

Love and miss you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank's mommy inlaw i see how you are that is ok. Buck is carring that bone in his mouth all the time. Just seein you found any fire dept shirts there if not that is ok. cant wait till you all come home. me brittany and kyleigh will be at the airport when you all get back. mamaw is doin a little bit better but not much. Before to long Mark will have him putting all kinds of spices on his food.
