Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Payton packing his toys and ready for Ky!

Payton is so funny, if he finds a bag he will put all of his toys in them and carry it around on his arms. He is really good to sit and play by himself for along time. He is starting to understand several things that we are saying, but with his cleft palate he really cannot say anything much. We can understand him when he calls us ma-ma and ba-ba. He points to most things he wants. He will have several surgries ahead of him to fix his mouth, teeth and maybe lip surgery again. He will not let anyone hold him except for me and Mark, he is so afraid we will leave him. I know this will take time for him to trust that we will always be here for him. I cannot imagine what his life has been like for the last 2 1/2 years. You can tell that all he wants is to be loved and fed, such simple things in our lives! I'm sure when we get home everyone will see how easy it is to love this little guy. He is so curious about the world around him. Its so much fun to sit and watch his little mind at work.


Anonymous said...

we are all ready to see Payton when he gets to Kentucky!!! Peggy how much does Payton weigh and what size clothes fits him best?if you can let me know . talk with you later. Love Tanya

Anonymous said...

We're ready for you guys to bring him home too! We are so relieved he has bonded so well with you guys. I'm sure when he gets to KY he will eventually "warm up" to all of us. I think he will love having his own room to make him feel like he belongs. Take care, everything here is just fine so don't worry.

Donald, Cheryl, Dalton, and Darren

Anonymous said...

He gets cuter and cuter, every day. Hopefully he will bond with me when you get back. I want him to know that his big sister loves him! I cant wait to see the joy he will bring in our lives. He is just waiting to share all of his love with this family. haha. Im ready to see you all again. Tell dad I love him. Be careful.


Auntie Deb said...

hey guys! sorry i missed your call last night. we went to the alan jackson concert at applebee's stadium. i love the pictures! looks like payton is ready to come home.....or at least get out of china! glad you found some american food to eat! still waiting for pictures of mark eating those chicken feet! i bet mark will be excited to get back and drive the old brown truck on sane roads! can't wait to see you!

Nancy Ann said...

It's cool that Payton uses bags like that - Adelie did in China too - she'd put any things she could (especially her toys) into a bag, any type bag was fine with her. While in Guanzghou I got a little blue bag for her on the airplane trip home that she could have some special things in and that helped. It sounds like he's eating well even with his pallet. That's GREAT! :-) We're folling along every day and are always happy to hear things are going well. Payton will love his new home and wonderful family!!!

Anonymous said...

Mark and Peggy,
Glad to see everything is going well, Payton is so cute. He is lucky to have two great parents who will love and care for him! Praying for a safe return to Ky!

Stephanie Rice

Auntie Deb said...

hey! it's mom. seems like you have been gone a month. sure hope it has stopped raining there and i have enjoyed looking at mr. payton and can't wait to touch him! do you feel love for that little thing yet? ha!ha! tell payton mamaw will cook him a real home cooked meal when he gets here! hurry home!

Auntie Deb said...

hey guys! talked to dad today and he said you guys were having to travel to another spot today? just curious!

Anonymous said...

Tell payton his sis is ready for him to pack his bags and come to KY too!(his neice is too, although she is loving playing with his toys!) Tell Mark that I have to drive his truck to work tommorrow! Buck is ready for him to come home, he is killing me with the bone!!! he sleeps with it! Talk to you soon! Love you guys!

brittany & kyleigh