Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Update on Peyton's surgery yesterday!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Peyton is doing great after getting his tubes put in his ears yesterday! He had a little trouble when he was trying to wake up in recovery but I think he was just really confused about were he was and what had happen to mommy and daddy.
Dr Van Meter said that his ear's was in really bad shape and that he should feel a lot better. He told us to be very careful with loud noises because Peyton had not been hearing well at all and that things would sound a lot different to him now.
So we are really glad to get one of the surgeries down, but really dread his palate surgery because it will be a lot harder on Peyton and we hate this for our little guy but know that it needs to be done for him to live a happy and healthy life!

Monday, September 15, 2008


OK where to start.. Its been a tough few weeks but we are getting through it. We received all the results back from Dr. Taylor and for the most part everything checked out well. Peyton Vitamin D level was very low so she has him on medical for that and he will take this for 1 month and will need more blood work and be rechecked by his local Dr. here to see if he needs to continue the medication. Dr. Taylor said his bone scan showed that he did not have rickets but that his bones show that he is at 18 month old growth and Peyton is 33 months old. She seems to think that it is from not having the proper nutrition and his cleft palate.

Week before last we started seeing the team of doctors for Peyton's cleft palate repair in Lexington. We had hoped to see all the doctors in 1 day that when were there but that didn't happen. We made 3 trips to lexington that week trying to get him seem so that we can get his palate repaired.

Dr Miller will repair his palate on Oct. 16th and he will also be seen by Dr. DeMose to be circumcise that same day. Dr. Miller thinks that Peyton surgery will take about 2-3 hours to repair because of the 2 large openings in his mouth. He said that Peyton should have had his palate repaired at 9 month old. He thinks since Peyton is older that it will take him longer to recover from the surgery.
Peyton will need to be fed from a dropper, only clear liquids for 1 week. The second week he can only have very soft food like yogurt and baby food, but still cannot be fed with a spoon.

Dr. Van Meter was going to put tubes in his ears at the same time the other doctors did their surgeries so that Peyton would only be put to sleep one time. However Peyton had been off him antibiotics for only 1 week and got a really bad eye infection again.
Saturday we had went to Marks UPS family picnic and Peyton just didn't act like he felt well at all. By the time we got home he had developed a very high fever. I took him over to his pediatrician office and by the time we waited in the waiting room and got to see her Peyton was really lifeless. The nurse took his temp. and it was 104.8 and his heart rate was very high. She immediately got the doctor and she took one look at Peyton and said for me to take him straight to the hospital and not to ever stop at admitting.
After doing lots of blood work, chest ex-rays and giving him IV floods because he had already dehydrated, she decided it was a severe ear infection so we only had to spend one night in the hospital.
Peyton now is on a very strong antibiotic and is having a lot of trouble taking it. The poor little guy can not keep much in him at all, it is really messing his stomach up. So now the doctors think that Peyton needs to get the tubes in his ears asap so that he will be well enough for his palate surgery on the 16th of Oct.
We will need to be in Lexington tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m for them to put the tubes in his ears. I really hate that he needs to be put to sleep this close together but it just couldn't be helped.
Dr. Miller said Peyton will need a few more surgeries when he gets about 6 yrs old. they will take bone from his hip to repair his gum line and will also do some repairs on his nose and lip. But thankfully that will be on down the road.

So it has been a little tough the last few weeks but we will do what ever it takes to get our little guy feeling better! Keep him in your prayers that all goes well tomorrow!

Will post some new pictures in a few days.